Our Little Beans

Welcome to ‘Our Little Beans’ – a special initiative that’s close to our hearts here at Vienna Family Coffee. We’re not just about brewing up the best cup of joe, but also about making a positive difference in the world.

We’ve always believed that like a good cup of coffee, community is best when it’s strong and warm. With a special needs child of our own, we have a deep personal connection to the challenges faced by families with similar circumstances. This is why we’ve decided to dedicate a part of our web project to raise funds for kids with special needs.

We’re currently in the process of carefully selecting a charity organization that aligns with our values and objectives. Once that’s all sorted, we’ll update you on how you can join us in supporting this cause.

Remember, every little bean counts! Just as each coffee bean contributes to a flavorful blend, your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these children. So, while you’re savoring that cup of Vienna Family Coffee, know that you’re also part of a community that cares. Stay tuned for more information on ‘Our Little Beans’ and thank you for being part of our journey!

Hilary & Markus